Why Winter is the Best Time of Year for LASIKWinter in Minnesota can be, challenging. Freezing temperatures and feet of snow can lead a lot of us to want to hibernate until spring. But if you are a candidate for LASIK, you have something to look forward to prior to the warmer months. Before you hide out for the season, check out these great benefits to having LASIK in winter.

Heal before spring and summer

With the arrival of spring and summer comes endless activities and events, but some of these cannot be fully enjoyed while you are healing after LASIK. If you put LASIK off for too long this year, you may miss out on joining that soccer league, since physical activity should be limited immediately following LASIK. Or maybe you have a vacation planned to the beach? Sand and sea are off limits while you heal. And who has room in their purse or suit jacket for eye drops when it comes time for wedding season? When you choose LASIK in the winter, you can rest assured you will be fully healed before warm-weather activities are calling your name.

Less exposure to outdoor elements

Winter is reserved for fireplaces, blankets, and basically anything indoors. Because of this, we are fortunate enough to avoid many environmental and seasonal outdoor factors. Being outside in the spring often means encountering allergies that are generally more irritating to your eyes when you wear contact lenses. Additionally, with summer sun comes a distinct glare, which can be particularly bothersome to patients who just underwent LASIK surgery. A wintertime LASIK procedure dodges these and many more seasonal nuisances.

HSAs + FSAs are replenished in January

Flexible health spending accounts are a great resource when contemplating the cost factor of LASIK. Generally, HSAs and FSAs not only cover LASIK surgery, but they also can typically be used to foot the bill for your post-operative eye drops. And the best part? Most plans and accounts are fully funded at the beginning of the year, making this time of year especially appealing for LASIK.

New year, new vision

Oftentimes, resolutions are challenging to follow through with. But undergoing LASIK surgery is one of the easiest new year promises to keep. The procedure itself is usually no more than 10-15 minutes and recovery time is minimal and virtually effortless. In fact, oftentimes patients can return to work the next day, and resume most activities within a week!

Surviving the winter can be tough. But giving yourself the gift of vision doesn’t have to be. The expert surgeons at St. Cloud LASIK are readily available to see you for your FREE LASIK screening where you will learn many details of your proposed procedure. Start the new year off right with this life-changing procedure at St. Cloud LASIK.


Why Winter is the Best Time of Year for LASIK - Post