Questions to Ask About the Cost of LASIK

Questions to Ask About the Cost of LASIK

While LASIK surgery is an extremely wise choice for any candidate, the decision to proceed with surgery and a particular surgeon should always be approached with an inquisitive mind. The facility, the surgeon’s experience, and your individual goals following the...

9 Ways to Protect Your Eyesight

Protecting the health of your eyes is one of the most important ways you can help maintain your quality of life. It’s easy to take for granted, but your vision can be damaged by injury, disease or – most common of all – age. One in six adults over the age of 45...

Seeing Through Sound: New Hope for the Visually Impaired

It has long been thought that people who were blind from birth would lack the ability to process visual information, even if their sight were restored. A recent study at Hebrew University’s Safra Center for Brain Science suggests otherwise. The authors of the...

Food for Thought

There has been a lot of research published about Omega-3s and their role in healthy vision. But did you know that Omega-3s aren’t the only nutrients that help maintain healthy eyes? Many foods contain different ingredients that improve visual function, eliminate free...

Questions to Ask About the Cost of LASIK - Health - Category

Questions to Ask About the Cost of LASIK - Health - Category